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Financing your studies

While studying you will make expenses – for studying and living. But how much does it cost? And which other costs do you have to take into account? Are you eligible for a student grant? Read further to learn more about these topics. Do you have more questions? Ask The Youth Information Point: they are there for young people in the The Hague region and happy to help you too (more information at the bottom of this page). Important for foreign students in The Netherlands: you need to demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means.

The currency in The Netherlands is Euro. I need to open a Dutch bank account.

What does it cost to study at a college or university?

If you study at a college or university in the Netherlands, you pay an annual tuition fee for this. There are two types of tuition fees: the statutory tuition fees and the institutional tuition fees. How much tuition you pay depends on your nationality, the study program you are following and whether you are studying full-time or part-time.

Statutory fee (EU/EEA/Switss/Surinam students)
If you are going to study, you pay tuition fees to your educational institution every year. You pay the statutory tuition fee if you meet the conditions for it.

In addition, you will need to buy books and other study material – the costs vary per study. Some educational institutions ask for an extra contribution for specific studies or offer a discount for part-time studies. Read the website of your educational institution (to be) for more information about the tuition fees.

Institutional tuition fees (non-EU/EEA students)
If you do not meet the conditions for the statutory tuition fees, you pay the institutional tuition fees. The university college or university determines the height of this. This is at least the amount of the statutory tuition fee, but usually more. Check the website of the college or university where you want to study for more information.

International students: demonstrate sufficient financial means

If you want to study in The Netherlands you need to demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means to do so – by having a certain amount in your bank account and collecting a number of documents. The amount you need is the standard amount for students living away from home as set out in the Student Finance Act 2000. This standard amount is excluding tuition fees and fees for the application procedure.

Can I receive a student grant or student loan?

As a Non-Dutch you – if you are eligible – can apply for student finance. Student finance for higher education can include four components: a regular loan, a student travel product, a supplementary grant and a tuition fee loan. If you do not meet the criteria for student finance you may still qualify for a tuition fee loan. Read more about funding for school and studies.

Which scholarships are available?

If you need additional funding to finance your study, a scholarship might be the answer. Look for a scholarship for the Netherlands in the Grantfinder database or ask the educational institution of your choice directly.

What will studying and living in The Hague costs me monthly?

The tuition fee is a cost that you annually have to study at the college or university. But additionally, you also have to take into account other monthly costs: on average around 977 to 1,327 euros per month*. This is just a general guideline. How much money you will actually need of course depends on your lifestyle, your spending pattern and your housing situation. If you rent a house or apartment, there are muncipal taxes you have to take into account. If you rent a room, these costs are included.

Calculation example of average monthly costs
Here is a rough estimate of the costs you have as a student. Of course it depends on what you choose to spend your money on, but this calculation example gives you an idea. Because there is currently a lack of student housing in The Hague and Leiden, the costs for rent can be high. Travel costs are also a rough estimate, this amount depends on the distance and frequency that you travel.

Rent for a room (water, gas and electricity included) € 400 - € 700
Groceries € 173*
Clothing and shoes € 53*
Travel costs (in addition to the public transport card) € 70-100
Health insurance € 80 - € 120
Study books and supplies (varies per study program) € 49*
Leisure, going out and sports € 124*
Telephone € 19*
Total € 968 - € 1,338

* Source: Leiden University                      

> Do you want to work alongside your studies? Check out the tips to find work in and around The Hague.

Housing allowance and student discount

Housing allowance (huurtoeslag)
If you rent a property in the Netherlands and meet certain conditions, you can receive housing allowance. The Tax and Customs Administration offers all information about these conditions and applying for housing allowance.

ISIC card
The ISIC card gives you access to thousands of targeted student benefits and discounts in over 130 countries – also in The Netherlands.

Knaek app
Knaek is the student discount app of the Netherlands and Belgium. Also in The Hague Knaek provides local discounts, which is supplemented with national discounts and online (cashback) discounts. To make sure you can quickly and easily make use of these discounts, there is the Knaekapp: a digital discount card that entitles you to unlimited use of all discounts. Normally the use of the app costs €25 a year, but with you get a year for free!

Looking for financial or legal advice?

Do you need tips, advice or help in the financial or legal field? Various parties in The Hague offer free support for you as a student. Go to the page about financial and legal help for students to know who can service you.